I have a number of sites which I am indexing using Solr 4.6.0 and I wish to maintain separate cores for each. Each of the cores will share the same schema.xml and same solrconfig.xml. Ideally, I would be able to create new cores through the admin console and Solr would pick up my default core configuration.
Currently, when I create a new core I am creating a new directory in the filesystem named as I would want the core to be. I am then adding to that:
- A core.properties file (which just contains a single name=myycorename property.
- A conf folder with a copy of the generic schema.xml and solrconfig.xml files
I have tried putting the following in the core.properties file a level up and referencing relatively:
I have also tried symlinking (not ideal as I would like this to run on windows/osx/linux.
But Solr does not seem to like relative references outside of the directory. The configName property mentioned in Core Discovery 4.4 and Beyond
Is it possible to have this kind of default configuration within Solr?