Using the visual studio 2012 command tools (i.e. in the 'native tools command prompt' command console) I have run vcvars32.bat, and navigated to *c:\program file(x86)\Microsoft Research\Detours Express 3.0*.
On running nmake in this directory, it begins building successfully, however it then exits with the error:
cl /nologo /nologo /Zi /MT /Gm- /W4 /WX /Od /DDETOURS_BITS=32 /I..\..\include /Gs /DDETOURS_X86=1 /DDETOURS_32BIT=1 /D_X86_ /DDETOURS_OPTION_BITS=64 /Fdobj.X86\vc.pdb /Foobj.X86\member.obj /c member.cpp
member.cpp(88) : error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'void (__thiscall CMember::* )(void)' to 'PBYTE &'
Reason: cannot convert from 'overloaded-function' to 'PBYTE *'
There is no context in which this conversion is possible
member.cpp(90) : error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'void (__thiscall CDetour::* )(void)' to 'PBYTE &'
Reason: cannot convert from 'overloaded-function' to 'PBYTE *'
There is no context in which this conversion is possible
// error repeated member.cpp lines 105, 120, 122.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\BIN\nmake.exe"' : return code '0x2'
Not sure how to move on with this error. I also attempted to:
and then "nmake clean" followed by a new "nmake" - however this results in the same error.
as specified in the title, I am building with vs2012, on a windows 8.1 box (x64).
thank you