My initial question can be found here:Optimization in R with arbitrary constraints
It led to another question how to pass arguments into nloptr
I need to minimize a function F(x,y,A)
where x
and y are vectors and A
is a matrix, while having constrains that sum(x * y) >= sum(y/3)
and sum(x)=1
I have tried to use nloptr
F <- function(x,y,A){
Gc <- function(x,y){
return(sum(y/3) - sum(x*y))
Hc <- function(x){
nloptr(x0=rep(1/3,3), eval_f=F, lb = 0.05, ub = 1, eval_g_ineq = Gc, eval_g_eq = Hc, opts = list(), y=y, A=A)
And I receive an error:
'A' passed to (...) in 'nloptr' but this is not required in the eval_g_ineq function.
If I say nloptr( ... , y, A)
I get:eval_f requires argument 'cov.mat' but this has not been passed to the 'nloptr' function.
Any advice would be great. Thanks
), why we get different optimal parameter solution for different runnings? – Equerry