The document at|StartTopic=Content%2Fquickstart_code.htm|SkinName=webhelp says
Salesforce uses authentication to allow users to securely access data without having to reveal username and password credentials.
but as far as I can tell, the only command that I can run to get an access_token is using my colleague's username and password like so
curl -d "username=yyyyyyy" -d "password=xxxxxxx" -d "client_id=zzzzzz" -d "client_secret=dddddddddd" -v -d "grant_type=password"
and I have to regenerate that as the access_token keeps expiring. If it didn't, my colleague could just generate the token once and hand it off to me and be done with it.
How can I do this so he never has to give me his username/password AND my app will keep on working and working until he deletes the application from salesforce (which would hopefully invalidate the client_id and client_secret).
(That is how most APIs work at least so users don't have to give developers their username and password nor do we need to store username and password on production machines.) So how do we get this to work? OR are the docs completely wrong and I do need the user's login/password to access data even though that one line says otherwise.