Using the Where Expression filter in Jekyll.
Jekyll Liquid Filter Docs
Where Expression,
Select all the objects in an array where the expression is true.
{{ site.members | where_exp:"item", "item.projects contains 'foo'" }}
So on my site I did:
{% capture _filter %}item.tags contains '{{ include.tag }}'{% endcapture %}
{% for clip in site.clippings | where_exp: 'item', _filter %}
{{ clip.do_stuff }}
# more html and stuff
{ endfor }
{% include clippings.html tag='foo' %}
In this case I need to specify the filter tag dynamically. And clippings is just a collection like posts.
If you want to filter by multiple static tags you could do something like:
{% for post in site.posts | where_exp: 'item', "item.tags contains 'foo'" | where_exp: 'item', "item.tags contains 'bar'" %}
{{ post.do_stuff }}
{ endfor }
If you want to do multiple dynamic filter tags then you will need to do something similar to the capture stuff I did above.
I have not tested this, but it should filter posts by an arbitrary amount of filter tags.
{% assign posts = site.posts %}
{% filter_tags = 'foo, bar, buzz' | slipt: ', ' %}
{% for tag in filter_tags %}
{% capture _filter %}item.tags contains '{{ tag }}'{% endcapture %}
{% assign posts = posts | where_exp: 'items', _filter %}
{% endfor %}
{% for post in posts %}
{{ post.do_stuff }}
{% endfor %}
However looping over the whole thing once and checking each post might be more efficient at that point.