I have a workable tooltip system set-up with my normal graphing options (not using dashes) by using the plothover event, but the plot is not hoverable when I switch to my "black and white" mode (using dashes). Is there any way to keep the graph hoverable and clickable when using dashes? Or a way to make a decent looking plot in black and white without dashes?
Example series: {data: data, dashes:{show: true, dashLength: 2}, color: "black", label: "Series 1"}
My current graphing options:
options = {
yaxis: {max: maxValue, min: minValue},
grid: {hoverable: true, clickable: true},
legend: {show: false},
xaxis: {tickFormatter: null}
I use plothover event for tooltips like this:
$(this).bind("plotclick", function (event, pos, item){
//tooltip code here