How can I get the webRTC library which will support for both armv7 & arm64 in iOS?
You are lucky. I have just finished to integrate webrtc in my project for couple days. My solution as below:
Combine all *.a you built for armv7 to libWebRTC-armv7.a: Using command lines as below
libtool -static -o src/out_ios_armv7/Release-iphoneos/libWebRTC-temp.a src/out_ios_armv7/Release-iphoneos/*.a
strip -S -x -o src/out_ios_armv7/Release-iphoneos/libWebRTC-armv7.a -r src/out_ios_armv7/Release-iphoneos/libWebRTC-temp.a
Combine all *.a you built for arm64 to libWebRTC-arm64.a:
libtool -static -o src/out_ios/Release-iphoneos/libWebRTC-temp.a src/out_ios/Release-iphoneos/*.a
strip -S -x -o src/out_ios/Release-iphoneos/libWebRTC-arm64.a -r src/out_ios/Release-iphoneos/libWebRTC-temp.a
Create your libWebRTC supported both armv7 and arm64:
lipo -create src/out_ios_armv7/Release-iphoneos/libWebRTC-armv7.a src/out_ios/Release-iphoneos/libWebRTC-arm64.a -output libWebRTC.a
P.s: Just build your armv7 library to separated folder with arm64:
export GYP_GENERATORS="ninja"
export GYP_DEFINES="build_with_libjingle=1 build_with_chromium=0 libjingle_objc=1 OS=ios target_arch=armv7"
export GYP_GENERATOR_FLAGS="$GYP_GENERATOR_FLAGS output_dir=out_ios_armv7"
pushd src
gclient runhooks
ninja -C out_ios_armv7/Release-iphoneos AppRTCDemo
You can refer to our blog:
I have wrote a shell script to build WebRTC sources to a framework(excluding the apprtc signaling library) for iOS use.
If you cann't read Chinese, you just read that script embedded in that blog, it's enough! aha.
./ build_all
There may be a bug in armv7 device. that bug was caused by a stack over flow issue in VP8 decoding in armv7 neon function.
You can confirm this patch to fixes crash for it:
diff --git a/source/libvpx/vp8/common/arm/neon/vp8_subpixelvariance_neon.c b/source/libvpx/vp8/common/arm/neon/vp8_subpixelvariance_neon.c
index 8308d55..a66b6f5 100644
--- a/source/libvpx/vp8/common/arm/neon/vp8_subpixelvariance_neon.c
+++ b/source/libvpx/vp8/common/arm/neon/vp8_subpixelvariance_neon.c
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ unsigned int vp8_sub_pixel_variance8x8_neon(
const unsigned char *dst,
int dst_stride,
unsigned int *sse) {
- DECLARE_ALIGNED_ARRAY(kAlign16, uint8_t, temp2, kHeight8 * kWidth8);
+ DECLARE_ALIGNED_ARRAY(kAlign16, uint8_t, temp2, kHeight8PlusOne * kWidth8);
DECLARE_ALIGNED_ARRAY(kAlign16, uint8_t, fdata3, kHeight8PlusOne * kWidth8);
if (xoffset == 0) {
var_filter_block2d_bil_w8(src, temp2, src_stride, kWidth8, kHeight8,
Wish this can help you!
The students of have just overcome and fixed this bug.
thanks phuongle, this really works...
...but with a twist... Omer Waqas Khan noticed, there might be a case where one might encounter the error message (while lipo-ing): both libs can't be of the same structure.
Of course, I went WTF...lipo, what's wrong with you...they are of different structure...I BUILT THEM THAT WAY...
But then I set out to double check it:
- I went in the folder where I had the arm64_merged lib and...
lipo -info lib's_name.a
It reported back of being of both armv7 and arm64 type. Puzzled, I then...
lipo -info *.a
...all the libraries (72 of them) reported being of type arm64 except for 2...
For whatever reason they were armv7. Earlier in the day, I was using a "a few days old" clone of the webrtc thingy. Back then, I remember always obtaining only 70 libraries. But then, for other reasons, I decided to
gclient sync
After that, I ended up with such, I just removed the libisac nonsense. Now the 2 fat_libs were of different types and I could successfully lipo.
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