I need a fast way to send 300 short messages a second over zeromq
between the python multiprocessing processes. Each message needs to contain an ID
and time.time()
seems like the best way to serialize the dict before sending it via zeromq
, and conveniently, msgpack
has an example of exactly what I need, except it has a datetime.datetime.now()
import datetime
import msgpack
useful_dict = {
"id": 1,
"created": datetime.datetime.now(),
def decode_datetime(obj):
if b'__datetime__' in obj:
obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(obj["as_str"], "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
return obj
def encode_datetime(obj):
if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
return {'__datetime__': True, 'as_str': obj.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")}
return obj
packed_dict = msgpack.packb(useful_dict, default=encode_datetime)
this_dict_again = msgpack.unpackb(packed_dict, object_hook=decode_datetime)
The problem is that their example doesn't work, I get this error:
obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(obj["as_str"], "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
KeyError: 'as_str'
Maybe because I'm on python 3.4, but I don't know what the issue with strptime. Would appreciate your help.