I am currently trying to implement fft into avr32 micro controllers for signal processing purposes using kiss fft. And having a strange problem with my output. Basically, I am passing ADC samples (testing with function generator) into fft (real input, 256 n size) and retrieved output makes sense to me. However, if I apply Hamming window to ADC samples and then pass these to FFT, the frequency bin of the peak magnitude is wrong (and different from previous result without windowing). ADC samples have DC offset, thus I eliminated the offset but still it doesnt work with windowed samples.
The below is the first few output values through rs485. First column is the fft output without window whereas second column is the output with window. From Column 1 the peak is at row 6 (6 x fs (10.5kHz) / 0.5N) gave me the correct input freq result where column 2 has a peak magnitude at row 2 (except dc bin) which does not make sense to me. Any suggestion would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
488 260 //dc bin 5 97 5 41 5 29 4 26 10 35 133 76 33 28 21 6 17 3
kiss_fft_scalar zero;
kiss_fft_cpx fft_input[n];
kiss_fft_cpx fft_output[n];
for(ctr=0; ctr<n; ctr++)
fft_input[ctr].r = zero;
fft_input[ctr].i = zero;
fft_output[ctr].r =zero;
fft_output[ctr].i = zero;
// IIR filter calculation
for (ctr=0; ctr<n; ctr++)
// filter calculation
y[ctr] = num_coef[0]*x[ctr];
y[ctr] += (num_coef[1]*x[ctr-1]) - (den_coef[1]*y[ctr-1]);
y[ctr] += (num_coef[2]*x[ctr-2]) - (den_coef[2]*y[ctr-2]);
//y1[ctr] += y[ctr] - 500;
// hamming window
hamming[ctr] = (0.54-((0.46) * cos(2*PI*ctr/256)));
window[ctr] = hamming[ctr]*y[ctr];
fft_input[ctr].r = window[ctr];
fft_input[ctr].i = 0;
fft_output[ctr].r = 0;
fft_output[ctr].i = 0;
kiss_fftr_cfg fftConfig = kiss_fftr_alloc(n,0,NULL,NULL);
kiss_fftr(fftConfig, (kiss_fft_scalar * )fft_input, fft_output);
for (ctr=0; ctr<n; ctr++)
fft_mag[ctr] = (sqrt((fft_output[ctr].r * fft_output[ctr].r) + (fft_output[ctr].i * fft_output[ctr].i)))/(0.5*n);
//Usart write
char filtResult[10];
sprintf(filtResult, "%04d %04d\n", (int)x[ctr], (int)fft_mag[ctr]);
//sprintf(filtResult, "%04d %04d\n", (int)x[ctr], (int)window[ctr]);
char c;
char *ptr = &filtResult[0];
c = *ptr;
usart_bw_write_char(&AVR32_USART2, (int)c);
// sendByte(c);
} while (c != '\n');