I am using Froala and I am stuck creating a custom drop down with dynamic option sets in it. I have used their common way to create the drop down but that is useless if we have to fetch the values from db.
I want to make a "Templates" dropdown with 10 options to select which will be created dynamically.
Currently we create a custom drop down this way,
options: {
'Template One': function(e){
_this.editable('insertHTML', "<p>This is template one</p>", true);
I want this to be dynamic, meaning I will fetch the names and content of the templates from database and add them in the option set accordingly.
something like,
options : {
$.each(alltemplates, function(i, h){
i: function(e){ /// "i" will be the name of the template fetched from db
_this.editable('insertHTML', h, true); // h is the html fetched from db
which will create the drop down dynamically. Any help please ?