I bought some See-Time GWF-S171 (wifi sockets) to work with my Raspberry Pi. I use my Raspberry Pi as a home automation platform and I managed to connect all kind of devices, smart meter, solar panels, Orvibo s20 (also Wifi socket).
Now I am not able to connect to the wifi socket. I monitored all the traffic between my iPhone using Wireshark and tcpdump (the socket is using an App – WeConn) and I managed to find the status using tcpdump, I also figured out that all traffic is going by UDP port 9957.
Easy way to check if the devices are on is running the code: sudo tcpdump -xn port 9957 |grep 0x0050
0100 means on 0000 means off. But making the connection switch on or off I did not manage. So any help in this would be really appreciated.