Recently updated dotnet core 1.0.1 to 1.1 and ViewComponent in MVC starts failing with the below exception:
InvalidOperationException: One or more errors occurred. (The model item passed into the ViewDataDictionary is of type 'App.Models.HomeViewModel', but this ViewDataDictionary instance requires a model item of type 'App.Components.LoginViewComponent'.)
The Index.cshtml renders LoginViewComponent:
@model App.Models.HomeViewModel
The ViewComponent LoginViewComponent/Default.cshtml is just a class that displays it's model's info:
@model App.Components.LoginViewCompoent
It renders fine when the @model directives is removed from Default.cshtml.
Isn't ViewComponent suppose to be separated and agnostic from the parent view that is wrapping it? From the exception it seems that it would be require to declare the LoginViewComponent ViewComponent in HomeViewModel class in order to render it.
Couldn't find any change note on this on core github.
Comment and help on this would be greatly appreciated.
@model App.Components.LoginViewCompoent
, is it a model or a component ? – Myrta