I'm trying to create a cron command that will use R markdown to create a new html page at specified intervals. I've discovered this is a pandoc issue.
I get the following error message when I log my cron command
Error: pandoc version 1.12.3 or higher is required and was not found (see the help page ?rmarkdown::pandoc_available). Execution halted
Is there a simple bit of code I can add to the .Rmd file to point it to pandoc when executing the cron command?
Preserving the original post. That is below this paragraph.
Everything I want to do is a a file titled test_doc.Rmd
When I run the following command on the command line, it works successfully:
RScript -e "library(rmarkdown); render(\"/path/test_doc.Rmd\")"
However, when I run that in the crontab, I'm having no success. I'm running a version of this:
25 10 * * * RScript -e "library(rmarkdown); render(\"/path/test_doc.Rmd\")"
I'm baffled. I don't believe it's a filepath issue, since I have other R scripts (not rmarkdown) running in the crontab and working. I am on Mac OS X 10.10.5