If I want to use TypoScript like menu generation in a Fluid template I have two possible ways:
use the TypoScript to fill a variable for the template. doing it like this:
page.10 = FLUIDTEMPLATE page.10 { templateName = index.html // ... define pathes ... variables { contentMain < styles.content.get mainMenu < temp.mainMenu : } }
and in the template just use the variable:
<div class="header"> <div class="logo">{logo->f:format.raw()}</div> <div class="main-menu">{mainMenu->f:format.raw()}</div> </div>
the other way is the usage of the f:cObject ViewHelper to call a part of TypoScript.
the TypoScript:page.10 = FLUIDTEMPLATE page.10 { templateName = index.html // ... define pathes ... variables { contentMain < styles.content.get : } } lib.mainMenu < temp.mainMenu
while the Fluid template looks like this:
<div class="header"> <div class="logo">{logo->f:format.raw()}</div> <div class="main-menu"> <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.mainMenu /> </div> </div>
so. My question: what are the pros and cons of each way?
Are there differences for the different versions of TYPO3?