This is a cut and paste answer but this MS article indicates that you can run any .NET 4.x application with higher versions of the 4.x framework.
NET Framework 4.x versions are in-place updates to earlier versions. That means the following:
You can only have one version of the .NET Framework 4.x installed on
your machine.
You cannot install an earlier version of the .NET Framework on your
machine if a later version is already installed.
4.x versions of the .NET Framework can be used to run applications built for the .NET Framework 4.0 through that version. For
example, .NET Framework 4.8 can be used to run applications built
for the .NET Framework 4.0 through 4.8. The latest version (.NET
Framework 4.8) can be used to run applications built will all versions of the .NET Framework starting with 4.0.
One thing to consider: although .NET 4.6 is installed by default, ASP.NET 4.6 is not, and you may need to add that under Features.
To modify the version of .NET, go to Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off. This will open the Add Roles and Features Wizard as part of Server Manager. You can modify the .NET version during the Features step of the Wizard.