I use IntelliJ + Cursive.
I was doing some testing on a Genetic Algorithm I'm writing, and got a NPE. It wasn't clear where it was coming from, so I started up my debugger. As it was starting up however, a RuntimeException
break was activated, and it pointed here in clojure.main
(defn main
[& args]
(if args
(loop [[opt arg & more :as args] args inits []]
(if (init-dispatch opt)
(recur more (conj inits [opt arg]))
((main-dispatch opt) args inits))) ; <---- Points Here
(repl-opt nil nil))
The exception reads:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: create in this context, compiling:(C:\Users\slomi\AppData\Local\Temp\form-init2101329611502965041.clj:4223:33
I didn't see a create
symbol anywhere in the code it pointed to (which would have been weird since it's clojure.main
), and I checked my entire project and that symbol isn't used anywhere. I checked the path that the exception pointed to, and found this mess:
(.deleteOnExit (java.io.File. "C:\\Users\\slomi\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\form-init2101329611502965041.clj")) (do (set! *warn-on-reflection* nil) (do (try (clojure.core/doto (quote ai-retry.genetic_algorithm.main) clojure.core/require clojure.core/in-ns) (catch java.lang.Exception e__11808__auto__ (clojure.core/println e__11808__auto__) (clojure.core/ns ai-retry.genetic_algorithm.main))) (try (clojure.core/require (quote clojure.tools.nrepl.server)) (catch java.lang.Throwable t__11809__auto__ (clojure.core/println "Error loading" (clojure.core/str (quote clojure.tools.nrepl.server) ":") (clojure.core/or (.getMessage t__11809__auto__) (clojure.core/type t__11809__auto__))))) (try (clojure.core/require (quote complete.core)) (catch java.lang.Throwable t__11809__auto__ (clojure.core/println "Error loading" (clojure.core/str (quote complete.core) ":") (clojure.core/or (.getMessage t__11809__auto__) (clojure.core/type t__11809__auto__))))) nil) (clojure.core/let [server__11804__auto__ (clojure.tools.nrepl.server/start-server :bind "" :port 0 :ack-port 58282 :handler (clojure.tools.nrepl.server/default-handler (clojure.core/with-local-vars [wrap-init-ns__11765__auto__ (clojure.core/fn [h__11766__auto__] (clojure.core/with-local-vars [init-ns-sentinel__11767__auto__ nil] (clojure.core/fn [{:as msg__11768__auto__, :keys [session]}] (clojure.core/when-not ((clojure.core/deref session) init-ns-sentinel__11767__auto__) (clojure.core/swap! session clojure.core/assoc (var clojure.core/*ns*) (try (clojure.core/require (quote ai-retry.genetic_algorithm.main)) (clojure.core/create-ns (quote ai-retry.genetic_algorithm.main)) (catch java.lang.Throwable t__11769__auto__ (clojure.core/create-ns (quote user)))) init-ns-sentinel__11767__auto__ true)) (h__11766__auto__ msg__11768__auto__))))] (clojure.core/doto wrap-init-ns__11765__auto__ (clojure.tools.nrepl.middleware/set-descriptor! {:expects #{"eval"}, :requires #{(var clojure.tools.nrepl.middleware.session/session)}}) (clojure.core/alter-var-root (clojure.core/constantly (clojure.core/deref wrap-init-ns__11765__auto__))))))) port__11805__auto__ (:port server__11804__auto__) repl-port-file__11806__auto__ (clojure.core/apply clojure.java.io/file ["C:\\Users\\slomi\\IdeaProjects\\ai-retry" ".nrepl-port"]) legacy-repl-port__11807__auto__ (if (.exists (clojure.java.io/file "C:\\Users\\slomi\\IdeaProjects\\ai-retry\\target\\base+system+user+dev")) (clojure.java.io/file "C:\\Users\\slomi\\IdeaProjects\\ai-retry\\target\\base+system+user+dev" "repl-port"))] (clojure.core/when true (clojure.core/println "nREPL server started on port" port__11805__auto__ "on host" "" (clojure.core/str "- nrepl://" "" ":" port__11805__auto__))) (clojure.core/spit (clojure.core/doto repl-port-file__11806__auto__ .deleteOnExit) port__11805__auto__) (clojure.core/when legacy-repl-port__11807__auto__ (clojure.core/spit (clojure.core/doto legacy-repl-port__11807__auto__ .deleteOnExit) port__11805__auto__)) (clojure.core/deref (clojure.core/promise))))
Searching through it, there isn't any create
symbol anywhere. The closest match is two instances of create-ns
. I'm assuming this is a file auto-generated by the REPL for whatever reason, so I wouldn't expect it to be buggy anyways.
If I delete the file, a new one is created, and the same error happens in the new file.
Now, if I open a normal non-debugging REPL, I get the same error too. This happened completely out of nowhere. Before I started the debugger for the first time, I already had a REPL running, and it started fine. The error only started after I started the debugger, now it won't go away.
I tried lein clean
, deleting the temp files manually, restarting IntelliJ and my computer, and ensuring none of my code has a weird compiler error that may be manifesting in an odd way.
Can anyone think of what this might be? Why is it thinking there's an unresolved create
symbol in a file that doesn't even contain create
(println :101)
,(println :102)
, etc on every other line to for-sure nail down the exact line causing theException
. – Fillin