I am having trouble finding a good solution. The problem is I want a dynamically updated active class on my nav items, however I don't know how to do so. Can anyone help me with a solution for giving the nav item corresponding to the current page a certain class, automatically?
This is my layout.pug page:
doctype html html(lang="en") head include components/head body(id="page-top" role="document") include components/header main block main include components/footer
This is what I currently have for my header.pug file:
nav img.hamburger-menu(src="img/menu/menu-hamburger.svg" alt="Navigation Menu") ul(class="reveal") li a(href="index.html" ) Home li a(href="about.html") About li a(href="services.html") Services li a(href="contact.html") Contact
Then I have my index.pug and other rendered pages, which start like this:
extends ../layout block main section h1 Personally Professional