When a given image with lines is passed to OpenCV's HoughLine transform, it returns a list of rho and theta pairs, each pair defining an individual line. What is the order in which lines are listed in this list of rho,theta pairs.
for eg, when this image with 8 lines was uses in python, image with 8 line
following, rho,theta matrix was returned for the eight lines.
[[ 461. 1.48352981]
[ 380. 1.48352981]
[ 212. 1.48352981]
[ 112. 1.48352981]
[ 65. 1.48352981]
[ 334. 1.48352981]
[ 269. 1.48352981]
[ 508. 1.48352981]]
How is the order in which lines are listed here in this matrix, is determined by openCV?
. – Tucker