I've created an app "Blog". In my app I've got several models including "BlogIndex(Page)". When I run local server I find myself at "home_page.html". What I want is to start my local server at "blog_index.html". I know that I can set a root page at settings>site>localhost to make my "blog_index.html" a root page, but I can't do this because in my app I've got some other models that live at the same level as "BlogIndex(Page)" and they are children of the root which is "HomePage" so it would brake my code. So my question is: can I make a redirect from "HomePage(Page)" to my "BlogIndex" so that when i start my server I would be automatically redirected from "HomePage" to "BlogIndex"? How can I do it? How much it will affect the performance of the site and it's optimization?
I know that there is settings>redirect but it works only for inactive pages, but i need "HomePage" to be active. Thank you.