Having trouble passing a prop in nativescript this.$navigateTo()
<stack-layout v-for="meme in memes">
<Image :src="meme.url" @tap="goToEditPage(meme.url)"/>
import EditMeme from './EditMeme'
export default {
computed: {
return this.$store.getters.memes
components: {
methods: {
goToEditPage(ImageUrl) {
this.$navigateTo(EditMeme, { context: { propsData: { Image: ImageUrl } }});
I tried passing props this way
still, In the child component I get an undefined , this is the child component :
export default {
props: ['Image'],
methods: {
onButtonTap() {
Any ideas? I'm new with vue.js so there is a good chance I'm missing something basic in my code