How would one do the following elegantly with laravel collections ?
Map the values of the $baseMap as keys to the collection.
The baseMap :
$baseMap = [
'name' => 'new_name',
'year' => 'new_year',
The collection :
$items = collect([
'name' => 'name1',
'year' => '1000',
'not_in_basemap' => 'foo'
'name' => 'name2',
'year' => '2000',
'not_in_basemap' => 'foo'
The end result :
$result =[
'new_name' => 'name1',
'new_year' => '1000',
'new_name'=> 'name2',
'new_year' => '2000',
I know how to do it in plain php , just wondering what a nice collection version would be. Thanks!
method. Not sure of the syntax but something like:$result = $items->only($base_map);
You might have to make $base_map an array with$items->only($base_map->toArray());
– Parochial