I haven't seen a question related to this, yet it pops up despite several of my efforts to the contrary, so I was hoping that someone could help me understand what's going on.
I'm new to Python's Gekko package, and I'm trying to run a non-linear solver to the resolve what's going on. I'm getting a weird error message (FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/folders/03/vyh22j3j45j2rqjmnygfw2l80000gn/T/tmpatrk8y36gk_model0/options.json'
) that seems programmatic/syntactical rather than mathematical. It's one function in a much larger function/data/input, so it's hard for me to provide enough to help you replicate it -- but --
The y (i.e. the result from self.get_days_energy(date = date)) is a vector of energy values, as is the exogenous inputs from self.get_exogenous_inputs_of_day(date). Z variables are latent state variables, and A and B are transition matrices for latent states and exogenous variables, respectively. The goal of this function is to update the three aforementioned variables.
Here'e the function:
def daily_weight_fit(self, date):
Update function to the weights of the dynamic system, this will be called
once a day after the data has arrived.
m = GEKKO(remote = False)
A = m.Array(
value = 1,
lb = -10,
ub = 10,
B = m.Array(
value = 1,
lb = -100,
ub = 100,
dates = pd.date_range(start=self.starting_date, end=date)
date_list = dates.tolist()
hours = list(range(24))
y = [[self.get_days_energy(date = date)] for date in dates]
flat_y = np.reshape(y, -1)
timesteps = len(flat_y)
u = [self.get_exogenous_inputs_of_day(date) for date in dates for hour in hours]
z = m.Array(m.Var, (timesteps, 4), lb = -1, ub = 1)
C = np.array([0, 0, 1, 0])
m.sum([(flat_y[i] - z[i][3])**2 for i in range(len(flat_y))])
for i in range(timesteps - 2):
state_contribution = np.dot(A, z[i])
ex_contribution = np.dot(B, u[i])
for j in range(4):
m.Equation(z[i + 1][j] == state_contribution[j] + ex_contribution[j])
m.options.solver = 1
return A, B, z
Here's the error output:
APMonitor, Version 0.9.2
APMonitor Optimization Suite
--------- APM Model Size ------------
Each time step contains
Objects : 1
Constants : 0
Variables : 1849
Intermediates: 0
Connections : 361
Equations : 1793
Residuals : 1793
Number of state variables: 1849
Number of total equations: - 1793
Number of slack variables: - 0
Degrees of freedom : 56
Steady State Optimization with APOPT Solver
Iter Objective Convergence
0 4.12076E+08 8.12928E+01
1 5.38520E+02 1.00000E+00
2 5.38512E+02 3.75145E-12
3 5.38450E+02 2.00000E+00
4 5.38506E+02 1.80710E-01
5 1.10270E+07 3.34638E-01
6 4.89845E+06 1.93472E+00
7 4.73333E+05 3.99952E+00
8 3.76178E+05 2.00000E+00
9 1.69753E+05 1.31302E+00
Iter Objective Convergence
10 1.90770E+07 5.86504E-01
11 3.03623E+16 3.34638E-01
12 9.38385E+11 3.34304E-01
13 1.14353E+12 1.09011E-02
14 8.91928E+12 7.65181E-03
Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.
Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x108c7718d
#1 0x108c7661b
#2 0x7fff661ccf59
#3 0x108a92b6b
apm_mac(33870,0x7fff9e9c1380) malloc: *** error for object 0x7fb371862e00: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed.
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Program received signal SIGABRT: Process abort signal.
Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x108c7718d
#1 0x108c7661b
#2 0x7fff661ccf59
Error: 'results.json' not found. Check above for additional error details
Traceback (most recent call last):
.... (my own irrelevant function trace).....
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gekko/gekko.py", line 2145, in solve
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gekko/gk_post_solve.py", line 13, in load_JSON
f = open(os.path.join(self._path,'options.json'))
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/folders/03/vyh22j3j45j2rqjmnygfw2l80000gn/T/tmp42metzl9gk_model0/options.json'
Any tips or advice would be much appreciated! John Hedengren, hi and I love your work!!