Rails ruby 2.6.5p114 (2019-10-01 revision 67812) [x86_64-linux]
my ArticleDir class has 2 scopes:
scope :active, -> { where(active: true).where(expired_on: nil) }
scope :fetched_state, -> { where(state: ArticleDir::FETCHED.to_s) }
and a function:
def article_engine_counts(keyword_reln = Keyword.active_keywords)
joins(:keywords, :article_engine)
.group(:state, ArticleEngine.table[:name]).count
On running the function in rails console, I get:
irb(main):108:0> ArticleDir.article_engine_counts(keyword)
Creating scope :active. Overwriting existing method ArticleDir.active.
Creating scope :fetched_state. Overwriting existing method ArticleDir.fetched_state.
(1.7ms) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all,
AS article_commons_state,sengines
AS sengines_name FROMarticle_commons
INNER JOINdirectory_keywords
INNER JOINkeywords
INNER JOINsengines
= 'ArticleEngine' WHEREarticle_commons
= 'ArticleDir' ANDkeywords
IN (1217) ANDarticle_commons
= TRUE GROUP BYarticle_commons
=> {["expired", "data..."]=>1, ["fetched", "data..."]=>83, ["sourced", " data..."]=>81}
I've seen one other reference to this issue: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/31234 where it was suggested that the message related to overwriting a Kernel method.
I've checked the Kernel and no such methods exist on the Kernel in the first place to overwrite:
irb(main):002:0> Kernel.methods.grep(/active/)
=> []
irb(main):004:0> Kernel.methods.grep(/fetched_state/)
=> []
I am assuming that the message means what it seems to imply - arel / rails is somehow overwriting those two scopes on the model.
If so, why? and what do I do about it?