I use the Python package yfinance
to get the historical stock prices of a stock (in this example, Tesla's stock).
When I do the following, and fetch the stock price for the last week as one minute intervals:
import yfinance as yf
print(yf.Ticker('TSLA').history(period='7d', interval='1m'))
I get
Open High Low Close Volume Dividends Stock Splits
2020-12-03 09:30:00-05:00 586.391479 590.975586 585.549988 586.391479 2999806 0 0
2020-12-03 09:31:00-05:00 586.320007 591.919983 586.320007 591.619995 457446 0 0
2020-12-03 09:32:00-05:00 591.820007 591.907104 586.000000 587.492798 324244 0 0
2020-12-03 09:33:00-05:00 586.909973 590.020020 586.799988 588.919983 306530 0 0
2020-12-03 09:34:00-05:00 588.730774 588.919922 584.330017 584.688416 318614 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2020-12-11 10:20:00-05:00 613.155029 614.059998 612.770020 613.789978 87083 0 0
2020-12-11 10:21:00-05:00 613.876404 613.960022 612.799988 613.235474 58031 0 0
2020-12-11 10:22:00-05:00 613.262390 614.010010 613.262390 614.000000 106497 0 0
2020-12-11 10:23:00-05:00 614.000000 614.000000 612.659973 613.099426 80285 0 0
2020-12-11 10:24:18-05:00 613.215027 613.215027 613.215027 613.215027 0 0 0
[2390 rows x 7 columns]
so I can see the date and the time of day for each interval.
However, when I instead choose one hour intervals:
import yfinance as yf
print(yf.Ticker('TSLA').history(period='7d', interval='1h'))
I get
Open High Low Close Volume Dividends Stock Splits
2020-12-03 590.020020 595.890015 582.429993 588.159973 14637166 0 0
2020-12-03 588.164917 591.000000 583.690002 587.432983 4633556 0 0
2020-12-03 587.370117 593.599976 586.430115 592.580017 4635495 0 0
2020-12-03 592.520020 594.500000 589.450012 594.130005 2941966 0 0
2020-12-03 594.110107 598.969971 593.169983 596.325012 6434228 0 0
2020-12-03 596.499878 598.309998 591.500000 594.809998 4211141 0 0
2020-12-03 594.844971 596.539978 592.000000 593.280029 2916165 0 0
2020-12-04 591.010010 597.440002 585.500000 591.739502 9404838 0 0
2020-12-04 591.859985 595.429993 587.750000 591.310120 4337670 0 0
2020-12-04 591.397888 594.789978 589.919983 593.419983 2994462 0 0
2020-12-04 593.530029 596.000000 592.409973 593.159973 2625920 0 0
2020-12-04 593.140015 594.309998 590.330017 592.700012 2374415 0 0
2020-12-04 592.619995 596.700012 592.239990 594.233398 3066786 0 0
2020-12-04 594.215027 599.000000 594.109985 599.000000 2983803 0 0
2020-12-07 604.919678 624.750000 603.049988 624.164978 14539011 0 0
2020-12-07 624.289978 630.000000 624.109985 626.499878 8340672 0 0
2020-12-07 626.450317 629.301575 625.609985 627.753296 3925194 0 0
2020-12-07 627.734985 633.500000 625.500000 632.647583 4394597 0 0
2020-12-07 632.684998 639.989990 631.500000 638.101013 6408641 0 0
2020-12-07 638.000000 648.785583 635.340027 645.309998 10078446 0 0
2020-12-07 645.304993 648.000000 637.099976 642.000000 6027320 0 0
2020-12-08 625.505005 637.340027 618.500000 629.020020 21461425 0 0
2020-12-08 629.099976 630.830017 624.260010 624.909973 5519322 0 0
2020-12-08 624.950012 630.250000 620.929993 629.372681 5926122 0 0
2020-12-08 629.409973 640.000000 628.520020 639.946594 5931369 0 0
2020-12-08 640.000000 651.280029 636.739990 650.429199 10931715 0 0
2020-12-08 650.500000 650.599915 642.000000 646.159973 7110200 0 0
2020-12-08 646.190002 650.479980 644.229980 650.250000 4363843 0 0
2020-12-09 653.690002 654.320007 630.000000 639.059998 16440841 0 0
2020-12-09 639.083801 643.039978 635.000000 635.594788 6210129 0 0
2020-12-09 635.605591 637.799988 628.500000 632.789978 5634442 0 0
2020-12-09 632.809998 633.400024 613.309998 616.940002 7626216 0 0
2020-12-09 616.759583 618.000000 588.000000 616.830017 18922860 0 0
2020-12-09 616.809998 616.820007 598.000000 601.000000 9894340 0 0
2020-12-09 601.000000 607.879883 600.400024 604.169983 4249969 0 0
2020-12-10 574.369995 607.059998 566.340027 600.495911 22449936 0 0
2020-12-10 600.492798 624.330017 600.309998 621.483887 12631129 0 0
2020-12-10 621.710022 622.679993 609.299988 611.215027 8174524 0 0
2020-12-10 611.290894 616.397217 602.260010 615.700012 6841379 0 0
2020-12-10 615.570129 619.869995 609.929993 618.749390 4659236 0 0
2020-12-10 618.580017 624.489990 615.340027 621.729980 6155838 0 0
2020-12-10 621.599976 627.750000 621.280029 627.150024 4087834 0 0
2020-12-11 615.010010 624.000000 607.307007 612.724426 11765035 0 0
2020-12-11 613.319214 613.319214 613.319214 613.319214 0 0 0
meaning I don't know the time of day for the different intervals, just on which day they were recorded. How comes? I get the time of day when choosing one minute intervals so why don't I get it for one hour intervals? Can I get the time of day easily somehow also when using one hour intervals, or do I have to compare them to the one minute intervals and try to figure out which interval corresponds to which hour?