The above reply didn't work for me. Plus, it compromises security when you enable javascript on your database (see here $function and javascript enabling on database). The best way is to not overload your server, do your work on local as below:
const { nanoid, customAlphabet } = require('nanoid')
async function asdf() {
const movies = await client.db("localhost").collection("productpost");
var result2 = []
let result = await movies.find({}).toArray()
result.forEach(element => {
const nanoid = customAlphabet('1234567890', 10)
element.price = 4 = nanoid()
console.log("out reult2", result2)
await movies.deleteMany({})
await movies.insertMany(result2)
It will delete any objects on your collections and update with the new ones. Using nanoid as uniqueids.
This is the database object array after adding unique id:
{ "_id": { "$oid": "334a98519a20b05c20574dd1" }, "attach": "[\"http://localhost:8000/be/images/2022/4/bitfinicon.png\"]", "title": "jkn jnjn", "description": "jnjn", "price": 4, "color": "After viewing I am 48.73025772956596% more satisfied with life.", "trademark": "", "category": "[]", "productstate": "Published", "createdat": { "$date": "2022-04-03T17:40:54.743Z" }, "language": "en"}
P.S: Please backup your collection before doing this or filter the array on your needs for not going through all collection.