I have an input field and wish to stimulate the type-in during a unit test. Tried all the methods recommended on internet but still no luck, here is my code:
// In component
<div className="input-area">
<div className="subtitle">Put your answer here</div>
<Input onChange={({detail}) => onInputChange(detail.value)}
value={name} data-testid="add-input"/>
// In test
test("the input field should take user's input", async () => {
render(<testModal />);
const inputMessage = screen.getByTestId("add-input");
inputMessage.focus(); // take this line off has no effect
await userEvent.keyboard("testTyping");
Also tried using fireEvent.change
and userEvent.type
but no luck. The error is Expected the element to have value: testTyping Received: undefined
Appreciate any help!