Actually I am trying to implement singleton on my C# Azure functions, but the official documentation at is not helping...
It says:
CosmosClient connects to an Azure Cosmos DB instance. The Azure Cosmos DB documentation recommends that you use a singleton Azure Cosmos DB client for the lifetime of your application. The following example shows one pattern for doing that in a function:
#r "Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos"
using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;
private static Lazy<CosmosClient> lazyClient = new Lazy<CosmosClient>(InitializeCosmosClient);
private static CosmosClient cosmosClient => lazyClient.Value;
private static CosmosClient InitializeCosmosClient()
// Perform any initialization here
var uri = "";
var authKey = "authKey";
return new CosmosClient(uri, authKey);
public static async Task Run(string input)
Container container = cosmosClient.GetContainer("database", "collection");
MyItem item = new MyItem{ id = "myId", partitionKey = "myPartitionKey", data = "example" };
await container.UpsertItemAsync(document);
// Rest of function
Also, create a file named "function.proj" for your trigger and add the below content :
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos" Version="3.23.0" />
Just to start I am not familiar with naything that's starts with a "#"R" Also, what file name must be the code ? And where to create the .proj file ? Same folder of my azure functions folder ? And after all ? How to consume what I produced ?
I will really appreciate if someone supply me a step-by-step about how to implement this on my current project. Thanks in advance !