I've created a struct, that groups the format character and a pointer to the function which prints according to the formatter.
typedef struct formatter
char spec;
void (*print)(va_list);
} fmt;
Then, i've created functions that prints each format.
void print_char(va_list args)
printf("%c", va_arg(args, int));
void print_int(va_list args)
printf("%d", va_arg(args, int));
void print_float(va_list args)
printf("%f", va_arg(args, double));
void print_string(va_list args)
char *spec = va_arg(args, char *);
if (spec == NULL)
printf("%s", spec);
in the main variadic function i've created an array of the struct in order to loop over it.
void print_all(const char *const format, ...)
fmt f[] = {
{'c', print_char},
{'i', print_int},
{'f', print_float},
{'s', print_string},
{'\0', NULL}};
int i = 0, j;
char *separator = "";
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
if (format == NULL)
while (format[i] != '\0')
j = 0;
while (f[j].spec)
if (f[j].spec == format[i])
printf("%s", separator);
separator = ", ";
The problem came, when i compile the program and test the case below:
int main(void)
print_all("ceis", 'B', 3, "stSchool");
return (0);
It prints B, 66, Instead of printing B, 3, stSchool
I need to know where the problem at.
I expect the problem becomes in va_arg in each function, but in order of the less detailed knowledge that i've of variadic functions, i can't change something. and also i don't wanna implement it with the use of switch cases, in order to modularize my program.
What ise
doing there? – Sorption