Here's my Schema
class Menu < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :menuable, :polymorphic => true
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :menu, :as => :menuable
class Links < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :menu, :as => :menuable
I want to link to a polymorphic class in the Menu view using link_to, e.g.
<%= link_to, menu.menuable %>
This works, but this retrieves the menuable object from the database, when all I wanted is to generate a link. You can imagine if my menu is large, this will really bog down my application.
When I decared the menuable field as polymorphic, Rails created menuable_type and menuable_id. What can I use to generate a link to the polymorphic page, short of writing a helper function with a giant switch statement (e.g. if I have a large number of menuable 'subclasses'?)