I originally designed a win32 application on win7 32bits, with VC9.0. I recently upgraded to win7 64 bits, and tried to build+execute the previous application.
Building runs fine (win32 application), but on runtime I get the error "[...] has exited with code -1073741701 (0xc000007b)."
I guess this results of the loading of a 64bits version of an [intended] 32bits dll.
Specific dependencies for this project are: SDL.lib SDLmain.lib SDL_ttf.lib opengl32.lib glu32.lib wininet.lib
SDL and SDL_ttf are only in 32bits version. I assume that Visual Studio is clever enough to fetch the opengl and glu lib files in \syswow64 as I request a win32 application.
Could it be because of wininet? Or did I make a mistake?