%WINDIR%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set site /site.name:"WebRole_IN_0_CB" /[Path='/'].applicationPool:"ASP.NET v4.0" >>CBLog.log
powershell.exe -command Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
powershell.exe .\CheckIfSuccessful.ps1
I would like to run the script above and if appcmd.exe can't execute it due the WebSite not yet being up and ready I would get the following error message in the CBLog.log file.
ERROR ( message:Cannot find SITE object with identifier "WebRole_IN_0_CB". )
In the CheckIfSuccessful.ps1 I would like to create a Powershell script to loop, which runs the appcmd command and checks the error again. Then sleeps for 5 seconds and then retries, until it succeeds.
How would I do this in Powershell?
highly appreciated,
Ok, many thanks for the tip with $lastexitcode, while it looks promising. It seems I have problems with converting single quoates in Powershell: (The below is part of my initial appcmd command)
/[Path='/'].applicationPool:"ASP.NET v4.0"
How do I quote this in powershell? I tried to simplify it so that powershell has less trouble with it, but it seems my command is now wrong, as it says now:
ERROR ( message:Cannot find SITE object with identifier "v4.0". )
& $Env:WinDir\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set site '/site.name:"WebRole_IN_0_CB"' "/[Path='/'].applicationPool:`"ASP.NET v4.0`"" >CBLog.log
if($lastexitcode -ne '0')
while($lastexitcode -ne '0')
Start-Sleep -s 5
& $Env:WinDir\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set site '/site.name:"WebRole_IN_0_CB"' "/[Path='/'].applicationPool:`"ASP.NET v4.0`"" >CBLog.log
UPDATE II: I have escaped it properly. But still I get the error message. If I run the appcmd alone after creating that site, the log file is ok with it. Any suggestions please?