You can use telnet program for this way google "MinimalisticTelnet" and use example for understand this solution
Another way is use to SNMP Protocol such as this example :
Notice : for work with snmp i get change and customize SnmpSharpNet library , and call it in my program
using SnmpSharpNet;
Then write this code for disable ports from 1 to 6 :
Console.WriteLine("Ports Disabler ");
UdpTarget target = new UdpTarget((IPAddress)new IpAddress(""));
Pdu pdu = new Pdu(PduType.Set);
pdu.VbList.Add(new Oid(""), new Integer32(2));
pdu.VbList.Add(new Oid(""), new Integer32(2));
pdu.VbList.Add(new Oid(""), new Integer32(2));
pdu.VbList.Add(new Oid(""), new Integer32(2));
pdu.VbList.Add(new Oid(""), new Integer32(2));
pdu.VbList.Add(new Oid(""), new Integer32(2));
AgentParameters aparam = new AgentParameters(SnmpVersion.Ver2, new OctetString("2645"));
SnmpV2Packet response;
// Send request and wait for response
response = target.Request(pdu, aparam) as SnmpV2Packet;
catch (Exception ex)
// If exception happens, it will be returned here
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Request failed with exception: {0}", ex.Message));
// Make sure we received a response
if (response == null)
Console.WriteLine("Error in sending SNMP request.");
// Check if we received an SNMP error from the agent
if (response.Pdu.ErrorStatus != 0)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("SNMP agent returned ErrorStatus {0} on index {1}",
response.Pdu.ErrorStatus, response.Pdu.ErrorIndex) + response.ToString());
// Everything is ok. Agent will return the new value for the OID we changed
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Agent response {0}: {1}",
response.Pdu[0].Oid.ToString(), response.Pdu[0].Value.ToString()));
I hope this answer be useful and can help you ,