This is my delimited text: $HEHDT,10.17,T*28$HEHDT,10.18,T*2A and so on...
The comma is my sentence delimiter. However, I want to use the asterisk as my delimiter as well.
Output I want to achieve is:
$HEHDT 10.17 T 28 $HEHDT 10.18 T 2A
How do I specify more than 1 sentence delimiter in delphi? This is the code I have so far.
MyStringList: TStringList;
i: Integer;
MyStringList:= TStringList.Create;
MyStringList.Delimiter := ','
MyStringList.DelimitedText := '$HEHDT,10.17,T*28'+#13#10 +'$HEHDT,10.18,T*2A' +#13#10;
for i= 0 to MyStringList.Count-1 do
For the above code, it only takes the comma as delimiter. How do I include 2 delimiters, both the comma and the asterisk?
Many thanks in advance! =)