I used to use a store's autoDestroy
property. To clean out the memory resources. But I can't find this in the API anymore.
I found EXTJSIV-4844 - Ext.data.Store autoDestroy config is missing
listed in the 4.1 RC1 Bug Fixes (though I can't find the thread for that bug anywhere).
Now in RC3 that config is gone from the API and it isn't in the source files anymore.
I've used Ext.destroy
for views but never for stores. The way the API describes the Ext.destroy
method here it sounds like: "This method is designed for widgets but it will accept any object and see what it can do". - In other words, not very definitive.
Does anyone happen to know if Ext.destroy
works for stores and removes them from memory? Or what is the recommended way to go about this?