I have an extension on IQueryable that allows passing in delimited string of property names which, when used causes query not to construct JOINs and effectively causes SELECT N+1 issue.
What I noticed is that if I call native EF extension .Include("property") directly off of DbSet everything works fine. But if I use my extension (I even simplified it to just call .Include("property") SELECT N+1 occurs...
My questions is why? What am I doing wrong?
Here is calling method (from service)
public MyModel[] GetAll(int page, out int total, int pageSize, string sort, string filter)
return _myModelRepository
.Get(page, out total, pageSize, sort, filter, "PropertyOnMyModelToInclude")
Here is the repository method that uses extension
public virtual IQueryable<T> Get(int page, out int total, int pageSize, string sort, string filter = null, string includes = null)
IQueryable<T> query = DatabaseSet;
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(includes))
//query.IncludeMany(includes); // BAD: SELECT N+1
//query.Include(includes); // BAD: SELECT N+1
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter))
total = query.Count(); // needed for pagination
var order = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sort) ? DefaultOrderBy : sort;
var perPage = pageSize < 1 ? DefaultPageSize : pageSize;
//return query.OrderBy(order).Paginate(page, total, perPage); // BAD: SELECT N+1 (in both variations above)
//return query.IncludeMany(includes).OrderBy(order).Paginate(page, total, perPage); // BAD: SELECT N+1
return query.Include(includes).OrderBy(order).Paginate(page, total, perPage); // WORKS!
Here is the extension (reduced just to call Include() to illustrate the issue)
public static IQueryable<T> IncludeMany<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, string includes, char delimiter = ',') where T : class
//var propertiesToInclude = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(includes)
// ? new string[0]
// : includes.Split(new[] {delimiter}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(p => p.Trim()).ToArray();
//foreach (var includeProperty in propertiesToInclude)
// query.Include(includeProperty);
//if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(includes))
// var propertiesToInclude = includes.Split(new[] { delimiter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).AsEnumerable(); //.Select(p => p.Trim());
// propertiesToInclude.Aggregate(query, (current, include) => current.Include(include));
// OPTION 3 - for testing
return query;