I have a JTabbedPane with some tabs and a lot of unused extra space next to the tabs. So I'm trying to use it and place some buttons there (like in Eclipse). I put the buttons on a GlassPane:
JPanel glasspane = getPanelWithButtons();
// panel with FlowLayout.RIGHT
This works, and I still can click through on the other elements of my gui (most search results I found are about how to prevent this). The only problem so far is that the mouse pointer doesn't change to that double-ended horizontal arrow when it hovers over the bar of a JSplitPane. How can I get this behaviour back?
I found that no mouse changing events from any component under the glass pane are shown. Those components would change the mouse cursor to a hand cursor, zoom lenses and others. None of these mouse pointer changes have an effect any more. I guess this is because with the glass pane, the mouse pointer change needs to be made to the glass pane, but I don't want to do all the mouse pointer changing manually.