I've got very critical problem. Only Android 4.1, Bitmap is recycled automatically! I didn't call recycle() in my code! My project works fine in other OS versions( ~ 4.0.3) with any resolutions. Other projects have same problem, too.
All image files are in drawable-nodpi folder. I resized them to fit for resolution of any devices, always.
public Bitmap GetBitmap(int resource){
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inDither = true;
options.inPurgeable = true;
Bitmap tmp = null;
tmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mResources, resource, options);
}catch(OutOfMemoryError e){
options.inSampleSize = 2;
tmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mResources, resource, options);
return tmp;
public Bitmap GetScaledBitmap(int resource, int width, int height, boolean filter){
Bitmap tmp = GetBitmap(resource);
Bitmap img = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(tmp, width, height, filter);
tmp = null;
return img;
In my testing,
- Same bitmap instance, but the problem occurs depending on resizing value.
ex) int width = 100;
Bitmap imgStar = MyResourceManager.getInstance().GetScaledBitmap(R.drawable.star, width, width , true); -> returns recycled instance.
width = 200;
imgStar = MyResourceManager.getInstance().GetScaledBitmap(R.drawable.star, width, width, true); -> returns normal instance.
In different resolutions, imgStar works fine, but the problem occurs in other bitmap instance. Similarly, When I change resizing value, it works fine.
In same resolution, the problem occurs in other bitmap instance, if I change the name of image files folder. drawable-nodpi -> drawable -> drawable-ldpi, ..., drawable-xdpi.
Same resizing value, it works fine if I put other resource id. ex)
int width = 100;
Bitmap imgStar = MyResourceManager.getInstance().GetScaledBitmap(R.drawable.star, width, width , true); -> returns recycled instance.
imgStar = MyResourceManager.getInstance().GetScaledBitmap(R.drawable.diamond, width, width, true); -> returns normal instance.
Please... what can I do?! T ^ T