I'm developing an application that could work well with a graph database (Titan), except it's having problems with vertices with many edges, i.e. supernodes.
The supernodes link above points to a blog post from the authors of Titan, explaining a way to resolve the problem. The solution seems to be reducing the number of vertices by filtering on edges.
Unfortunately I want to groupCount
attributes of edges or vertices. For example I have 1 million users and each user belongs to a country. How can I do a fast groupCount
to work out the number of users in each country?
What I've tried so far can be shown in this elaborate groovy script:
g = TitanFactory.open('titan.properties') // Cassandra
r = new Random(100)
people = 1e6
def newKey(g, name, type) {
return g
def newLabel(g, name, key) {
return g
country = newKey(g, 'country', String.class)
newLabel(g, 'lives', country)
root = g.addVertex()
countries = ['AU', 'US', 'CN', 'NZ', 'UK', 'PL', 'RU', 'NL', 'FR', 'SP', 'IT']
(1..people).each {
country = countries[(r.nextFloat() * countries.size()).toInteger()]
person = g.addVertex([name: 'John the #' + it])
g.addEdge(g.getVertex(root.id), person, 'lives', [country: country])
t0 = new Date().time
m = [:]
root = g.getVertex(root.id)
t1 = new Date().time
println "groupCount seconds: " + ((t1 - t0) / 1000)
Basically one root node (for the sake of Titan not having an "all" nodes lookup), linked to many person
via edges that have the country
property. When I run the groupCount() on 1 million vertices, it takes over a minute.
I realise Titan is probably iterating over each edge and collecting counts, but is there a way to make this run faster in Titan, or any other graph database? Can the index itself be counted so it doesn't have to traverse? Are my indexes correct?