I have a 3 Activities, and all of them has a a ViewFlipper with some images that keep running. The thing is that I load these images from the SDCard, and there are aproximatly 180 images.
EVERY TIME I call one of these activities, it takes some time to the ViewFlipper be completed.. I would like to know if there is something like onAppear for Android.. The contents of Activity changes everytime it gets called, so it can't be singleTask..
I would like to know if there is a way to refresh an Activity content, but without loosing its contents.. Like this: on the onCreate, everything would be done normal, but on something like onAppear, I would only change what I need, so that onCreate would be called only once.
This is how I change between the three Activities:
startActivity(new Intent(FirstOne.this, OtherOne.class));