I have a viewpager that uses a PagerTabStrip to indicate the current page. However, I don't want the default indicator to be present. (Underline underneath the page title)
I've tried a few different methods to remove it, but none of them seem to work.
PagerTabStrip pts = (PagerTabStrip) findViewById(R.id.pager_title_strip); pts.setTabIndicatorColor(getResources().getColor(android.R.color.transparent));
PagerTabStrip pts = (PagerTabStrip) findViewById(R.id.pager_title_strip); pts.setTabIndicatorColor(Color.parseColor("#80000000"));
PagerTabStrip pts = (PagerTabStrip) findViewById(R.id.pager_title_strip); pts.setTabIndicatorColor(Color.TRANSPARENT);
None of these seems to work. Instead it gives me a black indicator instead. Any help would be appreciated. THanks!