package xml.dierenshop.flaming.v1;
import org.jdom2.Document;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter;
import org.jdom2.output.Format;
public class Writer {
public void Writer(String categorie, String code, String naamartikel, String beschrijvingartikel, double prijz, String imgurl, String imgurl2, String imgurl3, String imgurl4, String imgurl5) {
String prijs = String.valueOf(prijz);
Document document = new Document();
Element root = new Element("productlist");
String naamelement = "naam";
String categorieelement = "category";
String descriptionelement = "description";
Element child = new Element("product");
child.addContent(new Element(categorieelement).setText(categorie));
child.addContent(new Element("code").setText(code));
child.addContent(new Element(naamelement).setText(naamartikel));
child.addContent(new Element(descriptionelement).setText(beschrijvingartikel));
child.addContent(new Element("price").setText(prijs));
child.addContent(new Element("image").setText(imgurl));
child.addContent(new Element("image").setText(imgurl2));
child.addContent(new Element("image").setText(imgurl3));
child.addContent(new Element("image").setText(imgurl4));
child.addContent(new Element("image").setText(imgurl5));
try {
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("products.xml");
XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
outputter.output(document, writer);
outputter.output(document, System.out);
} catch (IOException e) {
This is my class for writing an xml file with variables from my main class. The output here would be :
Now I have a problem, the next time I run this java application I want it to add a new product but keep the old one. However every time I try this, it replaces the old data with the new data.
– Hallow