I think that's a well-known limitation of F# but I couldn't find any good workarounds…
So, here is the code (I tried to make it as simple as possible, so probably it looks like it doesn't make any sense):
type Human (makeAName: unit -> string) as self =
let mutable cats : Cat array = [| |]
// get a cat
cats <- Array.append cats [| new Cat (self, makeAName ()) |]
member this.Cats = cats
Cat (owner : Human, name : string) = class end
The compiler says:
error FS0452: Quotations cannot contain inline assembly code or pattern matching on arrays
Actually it is the combination of as self
and array property getter that breaks everything.
The points here are:
- I really want to use arrays, because I want WebSharper to translate my collections to JavaSript arrays.
- I really need a self-identifier in constructors.
- I really need classes (i.e. functional style won't work).
- Per-method self-identifiers (
member this.Foo
) work fine.
One workaround I can think of is making constructors private and using static methods to construct objects. This way I don't need as self
. But it is just silly.
Are there any better options?
Here is an even simpler example:
type User (uid: int) as self =
let ROOT_UID = 0
member this.isRoot = (uid = ROOT_UID)
With as self
I can't even define a class constant. Well, it's actually a separate question, but I'll ask it here: how do I define a class constant in this particular case?