To start, I have to say that I set autoset in date&time settings and time zone is the same for each device. So I use [NSDate date]
to get time stamp in milliseconds, then encode to NSData
and send to another device. On receiver data is being decoded and subtract with new [NSDate date]
. So that I get total time needed for send and receive message. That I was thought because when sender is iPhone 4 iOS6 and receiver is iPhone 5 iOS7 then receiver have earlier time stamp than sender. I don't know why? Maybe [NSData date]
isn't the most reliable class for that kind of operations? I use GCDAsyncUdpSocket
for sending/receiving UDP.
Code sender
NSData *data2 = [self createRandomNSData:8192];
NSMutableData *dataToSend =[NSMutableData data];
[dataToSend appendBytes:&tag length:sizeof(int)];
long long currentTimeStamp = (long long)([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]*1000.0);
[dataToSend appendBytes:¤tTimeStamp length:sizeof(long long)];
[dataToSend appendData:data2];
NSLog(@"%i || %lld || %lu",tag, currentTimeStamp,(unsigned long)[dataToSend length]);
[_udpSocket sendData:dataToSend toHost:@"" port:_port withTimeout:-1 tag:tag];
Code receiver
char* dataBytes = [data bytes];
int inTag;
long long inCurrentTimeStamp;
[data getBytes:&inTag length:sizeof(int)];
[data getBytes:&inCurrentTimeStamp range:NSMakeRange(sizeof(int), sizeof(long long))];
long long currentTimeStamp = (long long)([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]*1000.0);
long long timeStampDiff = currentTimeStamp - inCurrentTimeStamp;
self.delay = timeStampDiff;
NSLog(@"%i || %lld || %lu",inTag, timeStampDiff,(unsigned long)[data length]);
it, but you don't give the results. – Sickler