I've just recently become aware of the fact that you can now index your views in SQL Server (see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc917715.aspx). I'm now trying to figure out when I'd get better performance from a query against an indexed view versus the same query inside a stored procedure that's had it's execution path cached?
Take for example the following:
SELECT colA, colB, sum(colC), sum(colD), colE
FROM myTable
WHERE colFDate < '9/30/2011'
GROUP BY colA, colB, colE
The date will be different every time it's run, so if this were a view, I wouldn't include the WHERE
in the view and instead have that as part of my select against the view. If it were a stored procedure, the date would be a parameter. Note, there are about 300,000 rows in the table. 200,000 of them would meet the where clause with the date. 10,000 would be returned after the group by.
If this were an indexed view, should I expect to get better performance out of it than a stored procedure that's had an opportunity to cache the execution path? Or would the proc be faster? Or would the difference be negligible? I know we could say "just try both out" but there are too many factors that could falsely bias the results leading me down a false conclusion, so I'd like to hear more of the theory behind it and what the expected outcomes are instead.
colA, colB, colE
group on average? – WildeyedcolA, colB, colE
only has 1-2 rows per date? In that case the benefit ofGROUP BY colA, colB, colE, Date
is greatly diminished relative to the first case yes! – Wildeyed