I'm currently working on a game using Roblox (which uses Lua). It is a basically made up of several minigames. At the beginning of each round, all the players in game are put in a table and teleported to an area. That is where the coroutine comes into play. As the round is in progress, I want a coroutine to start. Every second that coroutine checks if the player's health is below zero, and removes them from the currentPlayer table if it is.
Sorry if I am not describing the problem correctly, but the coroutine will not yield. I haven't used coroutines before, so I am probably trying to yield it the wrong way. I know most of you will not be familiar with Roblox, but the Lua syntax is the same.
Can someone please give me an example of how I would end a looping coroutine?
currentPlayers = {}
roundTime = 60
local lookForWinners = coroutine.create(function()
while coroutine.running do
for i, v in pairs(currentPlayers) do
if v.Character.Humanoid.Health <= 0 then
table.remove(currentPlayers, v)
while wait() do
repeat display("Two or more players need to be in the game.", 1) until #_G.plrs > 1 --Ignore, just checks if two+ players are in game.
display("Picking a map...", 3) pickMap()
teleport(0, 500, 0)
print("Round over")