As seen here, map is defined
in a slightly funky way
For completeness' sake, here's the code:
implicit def FunctionFunctor[R] = new Functor[({type l[a] = R=>a})#l] {
def map[A, B](fa: R => A)(f: A => B) : R => B = (x => f(fa(x)))
More concretely - new Functor[({type l[a] = R=>a})#l]
I do think I know what's going on, but can't say honestly that I fully understand the concept. And since there is no any hint, I can't event google the term (I simply don't know that to google). Does some tutorial (or review, or whatever) exist where this is explained with a better level of detalization? I'd appreciate even more is someone could explain it right here in the answers.