since you give no hint of language or platform I'll just give out some pseudo code..
things you are gonna need
- a list of current executing requests
- a wait to get notified where a requests is finished
and the code can be as simple as
var ListOfCurrentRequests; //A list of the start time of current requests
var MaxAmoutOfRequests;// just a limit
var AverageExecutionTime;//if the execution time is non deterministic the best we can do is have a average
//for each request ether execute or return the PROBABLE amount to wait
function OnNewRequest(Identifier)
if(count(ListOfCurrentRequests) < MaxAmoutOfRequests)//if we have room
Struct Tracker
Tracker.Request = Identifier;
Tracker.StartTime = Now; // save the start time
AddToList(Tracker) //add to list
return CalculateWaitTime()//return the PROBABLE time it will take for a 'slot' to be available
//when request as ended release a 'slot' and update the average execution time
function OnRequestEnd(Identifier)
Tracker = RemoveFromList(Identifier);
UpdateAverageExecutionTime(Now - Tracker.StartTime);
function CalculateWaitTime()
//the one that started first is PROBABLY the first to finish
Tracker = GetTheOneThatIsRunnigTheLongest(ListOfCurrentRequests);
//assume the it will finish in avg time
ProbableTimeToFinish = AverageExecutionTime - Tracker.StartTime;
return ProbableTimeToFinish
but keep in mind that there are several problems with this
- assumes that by returning the wait time the client will issue a new request after the time as passed. since the time is a estimation, you can not use it to delay execution, or you can still overflow the system
- since you are not keeping a queue and delaying the request, a client can be waiting for more time that what he needs.
- and for last, since you do not what to keep a queue, to prioritize and delay the requests, this mean that you can have a live lock, where you tell a client to return later, but when he returns someone already took its spot, and he has to return again.
so the ideal solution should be a actual execution queue, but since you don't want one.. I guess this is the next best thing.