From the documentation:
This iterator, perhaps more properly called a Line Pattern Iterator, reads through a file and returns one instance per line, based on a regular expression.
If you have data of the form
[name] [label] [data]
The call you are interested in is
CsvIterator( input, java.lang.String lineRegex,
int dataGroup, int targetGroup, int uriGroup)
The first parameter is how data is read in, like a file reader or a string reader. The second parameter is the regex that is used to extract data from each line that's read from the reader. In your example, you've got (\\w+)\\s+(\\w+)\\s+(.*)
which translates to:
- 1 or more alphanumeric characters (capture group, this is the name of the instance), followed by
- 1 or more whitespace character (tab, space, ..), followed by
- 1 or more alphanumeric characters (capture group, this is the label/target), followed by
- 1 or more whitespace character (tab, space, ..), followed by
- 0 or more characters (this is the data)
The numbers 3, 2, 1
indicate the data comes last, the target comes second, and the name comes first. The regex basically ensures the format of each line is as stated in the documentation:
test1 spam Wanna buy viagra?
test2 not-spam Hello, are you busy on Sunday?
is a terrible name, because it is not actually comma-separated values that this class reads in, it is whitespace-separated (space, tab, ...) values.