Edited df
and dict
I have a data frame containing sentences:
df <- data_frame(text = c("I love pandas", "I hate monkeys", "pandas pandas pandas", "monkeys monkeys"))
And a dictionary containing words and their corresponding scores:
dict <- data_frame(word = c("love", "hate", "pandas", "monkeys"),
score = c(1,-1,1,-1))
I want to append a column "score" to df
that would sum the score for each sentence:
Expected results
text score
1 I love pandas 2
2 I hate monkeys -2
3 pandas pandas pandas 3
4 monkeys monkeys -2
Here are the results so far:
Akrun's methods
Suggestion 1
df %>% mutate(score = sapply(strsplit(text, ' '), function(x) with(dict, sum(score[word %in% x]))))
Note that for this method to work, I had to use data_frame()
to create df
and dict
instead of data.frame()
otherwise I get: Error in strsplit(text, " ") : non-character argument
Source: local data frame [4 x 2]
text score
1 I love pandas 2
2 I hate monkeys -2
3 pandas pandas pandas 1
4 monkeys monkeys -1
This does not accounts for multiple matches in a single string. Close to expected result, but not quite there yet.
Suggestion 2
I tweaked a bit one of akrun's suggestion in the comments to apply it to the edited post
cbind(df, unnest(stri_split_fixed(df$text, ' '), group) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarise(score = sum(dict$score[dict$word %in% x])) %>%
ungroup() %>% select(-group) %>% data.frame())
This does not account for multiple matches in a string:
text score
1 I love pandas 2
2 I hate monkeys -2
3 pandas pandas pandas 1
4 monkeys monkeys -1
Richard Scriven's methods
Suggestion 1
group_by(df, text) %>%
mutate(score = sum(dict$score[stri_detect_fixed(text, dict$word)]))
After updating all packages, this now works (although it does not account for multiple matches)
Source: local data frame [4 x 2]
Groups: text
text score
1 I love pandas 2
2 I hate monkeys -2
3 pandas pandas pandas 1
4 monkeys monkeys -1
Suggestion 2
total <- with(dict, {
vapply(df$text, function(X) {
sum(score[vapply(word, grepl, logical(1L), x = X, fixed = TRUE)])
}, 1)
cbind(df, total)
This give the same results:
text total
1 I love pandas 2
2 I hate monkeys -2
3 pandas pandas pandas 1
4 monkeys monkeys -1
Suggestion 3
s <- strsplit(df$text, " ")
total <- vapply(s, function(x) sum(with(dict, score[match(x, word, 0L)])), 1)
cbind(df, total)
This actually works:
text total
1 I love pandas 2
2 I hate monkeys -2
3 pandas pandas pandas 3
4 monkeys monkeys -2
Thelatemail's method
res <- sapply(dict$word, function(x) {
sapply(gregexpr(x,df$text),function(y) length(y[y!=-1]) )
cbind(df, score = rowSums(res * dict$score))
Note that I added the cbind()
part. This actually match the expected result.
text score
1 I love pandas 2
2 I hate monkeys -2
3 pandas pandas pandas 3
4 monkeys monkeys -2
Final answer
Inspired by akrun's suggestion, here is what I ended up writing as the most dplyr
-esque solution:
bind_cols(df, unnest(stri_split_fixed(df$text, ' '), group) %>%
group_by(x) %>% mutate(score = sum(dict$score[dict$word %in% x])) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarise(score = sum(score)) %>%
Although I will implement Richard Scriven's suggestion #3 since it's the most efficient.
Here are the suggestions applied to much larger datasets (df
of 93 sentences and dict
of 14K words) using microbenchmark()
mbm = microbenchmark(
akrun = df %>% mutate(score = sapply(stri_detect_fixed(text, ' '), function(x) with(dict, sum(score[word %in% x])))),
akrun2 = cbind(df, unnest(stri_split_fixed(df$text, ' '), group) %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(score = sum(dict$score[dict$word %in% x])) %>% ungroup() %>% select(-group) %>% data.frame()),
rscriven1 = group_by(df, text) %>% mutate(score = sum(dict$score[stri_detect_fixed(text, dict$word)])),
rscriven2 = cbind(df, score = with(dict, { vapply(df$text, function(X) { sum(score[vapply(word, grepl, logical(1L), x = X, fixed = TRUE)])}, 1)})),
rscriven3 = cbind(df, score = vapply(strsplit(df$text, " "), function(x) sum(with(dict, score[match(x, word, 0L)])), 1)),
thelatemail = cbind(df, score = rowSums(sapply(dict$word, function(x) { sapply(gregexpr(x,df$text),function(y) length(y[y!=-1]) ) }) * dict$score)),
sbeaupre = bind_cols(df, unnest(stri_split_fixed(df$text, ' '), group) %>% group_by(x) %>% mutate(score = sum(dict$score[dict$word %in% x])) %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(score = sum(score)) %>% select(-group)),
times = 10
And the results:
. Something likesapply(strsplit(df$text, ' '), function(x) with(dict, sum(score[word %in% x])))
– Interceptiondf %>% mutate(score = sapply(strsplit(text, ' '), function(x) with(dict, sum(score[word %in% x]))))
– Starofbethlehemsapply(strsplit(df$text, ' '), function(x) length(unique(x)))
– Interceptionlibrary(stringi); library(tidyr); cbind(df, unnest(stri_split_fixed(df$text, ' '), group) %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(val= sum(dict$score[dict$word %in% x])/sum(dict$word %in% unique(x)))%>%ungroup() %>% data.frame())
– Interception