I am trying to get my text labels to automatically resize if the text is longer than the box they are in. I also want it to support multi-line functionality. I have done some searching online and saw that it used to work something like this:
CCLabelTTF::labelWithString(“This is a sentence longer than a line width.2d-x”, CGSizeMake(**0, 0**), UITextAlignmentCenter, “Thonburi”, 20);
but that seems to no longer be available in cocos so I am not sure what to do.. Right now I have my label set up as follows:
myQuestion = Label::createWithTTF("Testing to see if text wrap will work" ,c_strFontNameBase, 50);
myQuestion->setPosition(boxLabel->getContentSize().width/2, boxLabel->getContentSize().height/2);
boxLabel->addChild(myQuestion, 50);
Is there some way I can use a similar way to the top example to make mine work? This doesn't seem like it should be very hard thing to do but I am finding a lack of documentation on it online...
static_cast<Label*>(my_ui_TextBMFont_widget->getVirtualRenderer())->setDimensions(375, 0);
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